Buy a ticket for our Parks or for our Restaurants or book a Hotel


Fill the date of your travel, rooms and people and find the hotel. You can also pay online with  and 

  • ristorante
  • Themed Restaurants
    Book in our Restaurants for an unforgettable Dinner! 
  • biglietto
  • Caneva and Movieland
    Enjoy our Parks for 1 or more days!
  • abbonamento
  • Season Pass
    Get Your Season Pass for CanevaWorld Resort!

You can also pay online with:  e 

Book your Restaurant

Book here your dinner at Medieval Times, Rock Star Restaurant and Safari Giro Pizza!

PLEASE NOTE: if you wish to book for King's Table, contact us by e-mail or phone +39 0456969900.
The possession of King's Table tickets does not guarantee the seat.

 We look forward to seeing you to live unforgettable emotions together!

Do you need help? Write to us here or call us on +39 045 6969 900